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Drawing the shutters on Windows

Windows has been completely eliminated from my computing life.  Due to certain legalities, IT has switched many of the PCs in the office to Linux (Ubuntu).  I was apprehensive at first since it’s a totally new operating system for me, something I’ve never even remotely handled before.  There was also very little warning and preparation therefore no learning time.  We just dived in.  And man, it’s been fun – geeky fun. 😀

It’s fun for me as a native Mac user since it’s a lot similar to OS X.  I’m actually finding it easier to use – and prettier – than Windows!  There’s word going around here that the OS switch may just be temporary, but I’ll request to be kept on Ubuntu.

Ok, enough tech talk for today.

A Night for Ice Cream

Tintin posted a Facebook shoutout asking anyone to have ice cream with her because of the heat.  It was around 4pm and since I knew that she wasn’t busy at work (in Eastwood), I dared her that if she makes it to my office in Makati by 6pm, ice cream’s on me. And she agreed, even if it meant cutting work!

Then I realized that I also wanted pizza, and one great place that has that AND yummy gelato was Amici in Megamall. Halfway for both Tin and me. Perfect!  All this planning went on via Facebook. Enter other friends who were also commenting. Sagada buddy Anna, who also works in the Eastwood area, ended up joining us. Two other Sagada friends wanted to come but were unable to make it.

It was a fun girl-bonding evening, with some revelations, haha! Friends – old and new – are such joyous blessings!

Currently Reading: Naked Lunch

I’ve always wanted to read the works of the Beat Generation writers, and I started with Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (The Original Scroll).  I liked it and became more curious about his friends, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg.  Then I saw this pretty 50th Anniversary edition of Burroughs’ Naked Lunch. I just had to buy it.

Just a few chapters into the book made me realize how much of an innocent I could be. Parts of it make me go “Huh?” or make me wince.  Never having tried drugs myself, and never having hung around junkies either, it takes a while for me to comprehend everything that’s going on in the book.

We read books to see different worlds, and this is definitely giving me a good look. Burroughs’ down-home, no holds barred style is making it a fascinating, eye-opening read for me.


Maybe I should move to a cold  or wet country.  I’m battling a cold now, which usually happens to me in hot weather.

I went to Paris in Winter and I was just fine.  I went to Sagada in December, swam in the falls and took ice-cold baths, and I didn’t get sick.  I sometimes dash through streets under the rain and nothing happens to me.  But the minute summer starts making its presence felt?  I get struck down by the cold virus. That’s an oxymoron there.  “Cold” virus in “hot” weather? Ha!

Up in The Air

HIGHlights of yesterday’s Clark and Subic trip:

15th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Festival

That tradition of a skydiver bearing the Philippine flag while the National Anthem is being played still gets me.

The first time we came here a couple of years ago, not a single balloon properly inflated due to strong winds.  We were so happy to finally witness balloons in flight this time around!

Night Glow

Too bad the wind interfered again so there was no night flight, but at least we still got to see a bit of a night glow.  This trip definitely made up for the disappointment two years ago.

Subic Treetop Adventure

Superman Ride

Dream come true! I was finally able to fly…sort of.  It was also fun flying with travel buddy Farah.  Now I can’t wait to do an honest-to-goodness zipline!

Supposed to be asleep…

…in preparation for leaving at midnight and a 2.30am bus departure.  But I’m wide awake.  Silly me – ate a ton of nachos and dip, washing it down with Coke.  Original plan was: Eat a bit of merienda so long nap won’t be interrupted by hunger, then wake up in time for a late dinner.

So now I’m in front of the computer, staring intently at the monitor, hoping to tire my eyes so I’ll get sleepy.  Yes, I am having a silly afternoon.

Let’s try this again

I’ve changed the blog’s theme, and with that I will really exert effort to post as regularly as I did before.  It’s no secret that I’ve been on a blogging slump for more than half a year now.  My thoughts and stories have turned into abbreviated versions in the form of Tweets and Facebook status updates.  While I loved the more intimate and instant interactivity, it has finally hit me that I DO miss blogging!

And so I return to my original online playground. 2-3 blog entries per week is the immediate goal – beginning Sunday, February 14.  Yes, the day of love, and it’s about time that I go back to a great love – writing.

A Valentine’s Prayer

I remember a conversion with one of my friends, way back in our teens.  She told me that she prays for the man who is meant for her, that God would watch over him and keep him safe and well so that he’ll be okay when he finally finds her.  I no longer remember her prayer word-for-word, but here’s my reconstructed version – with some enhancements that fit our times today!

Lord, whoever is meant for me, please watch over him, make sure that he’s always good, that he’s always safe, that he won’t get in an accident, or get disfigured, or lose all his money; or worse – die or turn gay before we meet!

Well, it worked for her. She’s now married to a good guy. So all I can say is, AMEN!!!  It might do wonders for me too.  Check back in 10 years, probably, haha!

The (sort of) Offline Life

I haven’t been blogging lately. Not that I don’t have anything to say. On the contrary, there are now lots of thoughts and stories that I don’t know where to begin.  Not to mention finding the time to write them.

I ended the year with a blast, meeting a bunch of wonderful people and I’m glad that the bond is extending beyond that special place where we all met.  I’ve also been having a great time with old friends and work friends.  I guess that amazing connection with different people is my reward for everything I endured at work.  There were a few lemons, but out of those lemons came GALLONS of lemonade.

I am also happy with my travel schedule. I already have trips for February, March, August, and one in May is brewing. Instinct also tells me that some other spur-of-the-moment trips would crop up. Exciting!  I remember a statement that I came across one time: “Splurge on experiences, not things.”

As I wrote on another post, new online drug Twitter has claimed me.  And Facebook as well. It turned out to be the better complement to my offline life.  Oh, I’ll still blog because it keeps me sane, but it’ll now most likely be less than I did before. See y’all somewhere on the road! 😀

…whether it be in Maguindanao or anywhere else.  It’s not a solution to the government’s incompetence and protectionism of cronies.  We are not dumb. You cannot convince us of this so-called “rebellion”.  Also, I just have to say this: I cannot believe the sheer arrogance of that Prospero Nograles!  No need to convene the Congress and Senate to tackle the issue of Martial Law if it’s going to be approved anyway?  What the heck!!!

Though I really do not want to think so, it does appear that history is repeating itself.  As I read in different sources all over the Internet, there are a lot of parallels to 1972.  A big flood, Martial Law, contrived acts of violence, real violence against journalists, those who vociferously object to the administration and even the innocents, and an Aquino aiming for the presidency.

If that is the case, then I hope we all have learned from history.  And for those who have not been around in the 70s and half of the 80s, please just think of everything that you enjoy now and imagine it being taken away from you.  Imagine a world in which the government would dictate on what you could see, hear and say.  Can you allow that to happen?  If we really must repeat history, then by all means let’s repeat only the good things – and make them better!

For GMA and her cohorts, remember that the history books are full of people like you – those who craved and took power by foul means and dreadfully abused it, but never attained the eternal glory they longed for and eventually met some of the worst downfalls.  You may not be able to redeem yourselves anymore, but please do not make your chapter even longer and more sordid than it already is.  You’ve done enough.